Thursday, July 17, 2014

Xerox Xerox Xerox... Bill Gates eulogise a few ideas on the tech upstart!

Classics ain't Microsoft style these days as the tech mammoth grapples with coping in the ever changing industry. Still the World's richest though, Bill Gates as usual shares his insights on what we can all learn from John Brooks. The founder of Xerox - Joseph C. Wilson, which was at that time, the novel idea in the technology industry (we are talking about the 1906 here!) Interestingly, Xerox engineers had the early ideas about personal computing but they were forced to share them with Apple and Microsoft, who eventually monopolize the industry.

The book is out of circulation but it's chapter five made available by the Brooks family with the help Microsoft Owner - Bill Gates and it is an interesting read. Enjoy!

You can find the download from here