Thursday, November 29, 2012

Ericsson heads to court with Samsung over Patent

Ericsson has sued Samsung over Wireless patent after two years of negotiation over which Ericsson claims 'was frustrating' according to the statement released by the company.
“Ericsson has concluded that it has no option other than legal action after negotiations have not been successful since Samsung has refused to take a license on FRAND terms,” a company statement read.The company says that the issue centers around one of its patented technologies that is “essential to several telecommunications and networking standards used by Samsung’s products”, in addition to other technologies that it claims are used in wireless and consumer electronics products.

In a swift reaction, Samsung has issued an official statement in response to the suit.
“Samsung and Ericsson have previously negotiated and entered licensing deals. Now that the deal has to be renewed, we have faithfully committed ourselves to conducting fair and reasonable negotiations with Ericsson over the past two years, but this time Ericsson has demanded significantly higher royalty rates for the same patent portfolio.
“As we cannot accept such extreme demands, we will take all necessary legal measures to protect against Ericsson’s excessive claims.”  Source:NextWeb.

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