Monday, December 3, 2012

First five things to do to get your dream job...

I know what you are thinking, how is it possible for one to get a good job with 50% unemployment rate but people do and we have a few tips to help you do the same... So read on.

1.) Your resume. A lot of people are so concerned about getting their dream job that they focus on everything else apart from one of those things that should sell them to their prospective employers. Your Curriculum Vitae CV is one major selling point and you should make sure it's the best with emphasis on updating regularly... See your of these websites for useful tips on putting together one..
2.) Your Skill. It has been discovered that 65% or more of graduates don't read daily (apart from Newspapers) to improve themselves once they graduate from the University. However, today's information technology world is rapidly expanding and they are new development almost at the speed of thought. If you going to be relevant, you need to read up. Check,
3.) Interview Skills. Well... someone once argue that while one you might have done all you can to get into that interview room, the one or two hours you spend in that room could be a difference maker. Prepare for your interview, if's technical, read about the field, the company and prepare scenarios especially for behavioral interviews... See some of these websites for some useful tips..,
4.) Maintain positive outlook. Positive affirmation especially based on your true beliefs is a major key to achieving life-changing success or progress. So start your day with a few positive statements about your career, don't engage with 'gloomy talks' but positive network with others to search and develop new opportunities.
5.) Make yourself visible. We live in a global community, which means most of the what you are looking could be a few clicks' away. So take advantage of it all. Signup for career websites and job hunting sites. Build a professional profile online and market yourself using networking sites like LinkedIn, e.t.c. Always keep an attractive profile outlook on the internet and make yourself 'searchable'. You never know who might what possibilities exist.Check.

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