Thursday, January 10, 2013

Dream Job 2013??? We've got afew ideas that might help!

Yeahh... whether you are a 'greenhorn' or interested in a positive career move, we've got a few ideas that might get you to the door.
1.) Build a job winning CV. Most people don't understand how important is the value of a well-developed CV and though we might sound like a 'broken record' but you likely won't attract a good employer with an average CV. please read the earlier articles on how to go about improving your CV.
2.) Write a good Cover note. Alright you might find that ridiculous but  some recruiters won't bother about your CV once they read your below par cover note. So improve on it. We suggest a cover note per application so it is really 'targeted rather just 'copy & paste'
3.) Increase your visibility. You've heard it everywhere now, the world is a global village running on the internet (that's my cue :)). So take advantage of it. Sign up and register to job boards and website as many as possible. See our earlier post for some helpful submission.
4.) Network more!... What your need most times is about ten people at most away from you. So you need to attend seminars, conferences and build opportunities for networking. You will be amazed how much you can achieve with a friendly smile and an 'hello'.
5.) The power of positive affirmation. Talk to yourself daily. We encourage you to make positive statement in the morning and night about your career and future. You didn't achieve much with the negative speaking anyway so why not try something different especially if it's based on faith.

Happy job hunting!!!

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