Friday, January 25, 2013

Twitter announces Vine!

The mobile service will allow users to create and post six-second looped videos.

Twitter has announced a new mobile video sharing service, called Vine' designed to allow users to connect through short video clips in a fashion akin to tweeting (140 characters limit). In keeping with the micro-blogging site's 140-character limit, Vine is built around a similar style of abbreviation: videos that users post can only be six seconds long, and are played back on a continuous loop. Officials at Vine and Twitter are betting that the brevity of the videos will increase users' video-making creativity.
"We believe that constraint inspires creativity, whether it's through a 140-character Tweet or a six-second video," said Dom Hoffman, Vine's co-founder and general manager , in a blog. So there's you go, you can now tweet your piece in videos. PCadvisor.

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