Friday, May 17, 2013

Apple to release iWatch!

The general consensus of the web is that the next major innovation Apple is working on is a smart watch. Here’s where we take a look at the Apple iWatch release date and specs. 
 Early rumors suggest that the Apple iWatch will not be just any old wrist watch, but more like a wearable minicomputer complete with a full OS. Needless to say, it has got a lot of people talking. So let’s not waste anymore time, let’s dive in and take a look at what the web thinks it has discovered with regards to Apple’s iWatch.

Remember that we will be updating this article as and when news about the iWatch breaks (leaks).

Apple iWatch release date
There are two main schools of thought with regards to the Apple iWatch’s release date. Initially it was thought that the iWatch’s release date would be in Q3 or Q4 of 2013, thanks to the loudmouths over at Bloomberg.
However, there has been a worrying lack of leaked information about the Apple iWatch as of yet, which has led to many to question the reliability of Bloomberg’s sources. Especially when compared to how leaky things get when we approach the release date of an iPhone or iPad. The result is a revised prediction of Q1 2014 from many other major technology websites.
Apple iWatch specs
Specs for the Apple iWatch are pretty thin on the ground right now. However, there are a couple of technology websites that have stuck their neck’s out and reported on what they’ve discovered.
One of the most interesting claims out there comes from the New York Times, where it says that the iWatch will feature Willow Glass, which is said to be so flexible that is can ‘flop as easily as a piece of paper in the wind without breaking’.
There also seems to be an agreement across all technology websites that the iWatch with support Bluetooth, in order for it to be compatible with other Apple products such as the iPhone, iPad and iPod.
Interestingly Apple has recently patented a clever slap band (think back to the school playground) related technology that communicates with the iWatch’s face in order to optimize the device for several cool features, included entering power saving mode faster when in the curled position.
In terms of size, you probably won’t be surprised to learn that there has been no official word from Apple, but that hasn’t stopped the web from starting some lovely rumors. The result of such rumors seems to be that we, the internet, are expecting a 1.5-inch touch screen watch face, that is waterproof and shock proof.
That's about all there is to know so far. Pretty puny on the information front eh? Don't worry though, we will keep on top of this article with all of the latest release date and spec rumours, so make sure you come back.

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