Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Nokia teases Galaxy SIII & iPhone 5 with the Lumia 928 AD video.

Now that the Lumia 928's mere existence is official, Nokia's posted a video comparing its footage-shooting chops against the iPhone 5 and Galaxy S III in low-light conditions. The folks in Espoo also revealed that the handset will be toting an 8.7-megapixel camera, matching the Lumia 920. Naturally, the film showcases just what PureView tech, paired with a Carl Zeiss lens and proprietary OIS can do. After letting the 928's footage do the talking for roughly 50 seconds, Elop and Co. turn to side-by-side comparison shots, pointing out better color saturation, sharper image focus and less noise. Head past the break to catch the shootout in its entirety, and get a sense of déjà vu.

So, print is the new digital. At least when it comes to Verizon's imminent -- and nowsurely fully acknowledged -- Lumia 928. The billboard spotted over the weekendenthused about the camera, but told us little else. This magazine spread spotted inVanity Fair, however has a few more details. As hinted at, we can expect PureView goodness (though we're guessing a-la 920, rather than the 808), plus a Carl Zeiss lens and Nokia's proprietary OIS. As for the rest of the phone, well, that's still largely under wraps, we'll just have to wait until the next print run -- or not. engadget.

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