Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Assemble multiple shot with the New S4...read on!

Combine multiple shots into one single frame with Drama Shot

While we’re waiting for the #GALAXYS4 World Tour to light up the sails of the Sydney Opera House, here’s an example of how you can turn an ordinary photo of your friend walking before the Sydney Harbour Bridge into a share-worthy snap with the new Drama Shot feature.

Now, sports photography enthusiasts are likely familiar with pictures that show multiple instances of someone going through sequential actions in a single frame. It makes a unique picture and tells a story. However, to create this type of image, chances are you may need to spend some time using post-processing software to merge the shots. But with the Drama Shot feature on the GALAXY S4, you can now do everything on the smartphone.

Fire up the 13-megapixel camera and pick “Drama” in the Mode setting, and you’re good to go. What it does is capture the movement of your subject across the entire screen. So you’ll need to give ample space for the person to move from one side of the preview screen to the other.

Once you hit the shutter, the camera will record a series of pictures and you can see the progress (matter of seconds) via the status bar along the bottom edge of the screen. After the shots are captured, you can select which frames to keep, and which ones to discard, and finally save the image.

No matter where you are, with the advanced camera on the GALAXY S4, you can capture interesting images on-the-go.

#Samsung #SamsungMobile #GALAXYS4 #Sydney #WorldTour #Camera #DramaShot

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