Monday, February 11, 2013

Bill Gates hosting 'Ask Me Any questions' AMA online now.. join in.

Bill Gates is currently hosting an AMA session on Reddit. An AMA, short for ‘Ask Me Anything,’ is an informal text-based interview with the social website’s userbase. As Reddit’s size has grown, so too has the level of celebrity of individual that can be attracted to spend time on the site. Famously President Obama took the time to answer a handful of questions during his last campaign.
In a new turn, Bill put together a short, animated video clip answering three popular questions. Given his immense wealth, it’s not a surprise that two involved money: how much do you have in your wallet, and can I have $1 million?
Enjoy the clip, and if Bill posts anything eye-popping in his AMA session, we’ll bring you the highlights. . You can follow on now on reddit! Scooped from nextweb.

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